HY GARDNER - Mon-Fri, weekdays, WRCA CH. 4 New York City 11:15-11:25pm, 11:20-11:30pm, 11:15-11:30pm September 10, 1956-January 25, 1957
Preceding TONITE! Hy Gardner had a ten minute news/gossip series on WNBC TV. On this broadcast the news of the day included:
-Los Angeles police are expected to announce a solution to the Marie McDonald "who done it" case. Hy feels that the actress was kidnapped and that the incident was not a hoax.
-The board of directors for Lowe's Inc. include the former secretary of defense Louis Johnson, former secretary of the army Frank Pace, and former secretary of the navy, John Sullivan. Hy thinks that MGM must be getting ready to launch a new cycle of war movies.
-King Farouk is suing Elsa Maxwell for material she wrote about the former King of Egypt in her new book.
-Ironically, Ed Sullivan, publicity man, is promoting for Steve Allen Ingrid Bergman's next Sunday's appearance on The Steve Allen Show.