A report on President Johnson's refusal to run for reelection. Dan Rather and Roger Mudd report. From WABC Radio "Perspective in New York." "Sell Out To Militants." A report on Adam Clayton Powell. From 1010 Wins, Brad Sherman interviews Richard Nixon. His comments about Johnson's refusal to run, the President at the lowest point of the year. comment by WINS Newsman Stan Brooks. Joe Resnick with comments on the Viet Cong. A report on WCBS Radio concerning Nassau County Executive Eugene Nickerson and his run for Jacob Javits New York Senate seat. He comments on President Johnson. NBC News with Edwin Newman: Elie Abel reports on LBJ, John Chancellor with commentary, Herb Kaplow reports on Nixon's next move, Ray Scherer reports from the White House on LBJ, Elie Abel interviews Eugene McCarthy,