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1959-03-02, NBC, min.
NBC Newman

The US launches the Pioneer rocket which will eventually orbit the Sun.                         
1959-05-28, SYN, min.
Jay Jostyn

1958 Syndicated

A half-hour courtroom drama with judge Jay Jostyn presiding over a big-city night court session.             
1959-06-00, NBC, min.
Gabe Pressman

Jet plane makes an emergency landing, with two of eight wheels down. Gabe Pressman reports from Idlewild Airport. 
#13360: NEWS
1959-07-24, WNTA, 10 min.
Nikita Khrushchev , Richard Nixon

Highlights: Nixon-Khrushchev debate in Moscow, discussion concerns communism and capitalism, color television, rockets, and satellites.   
Announcer states that this program was recorded on Ampex Video Tape and is not discernible compared to viewing live television. 

This Apmex Video tape was flown to television station WNTA Channel 13 in New York City by Jet plane for broadcast to the American  television public.   

 Final portion of the broadcast is recorded.

 NOTE: This  television audio air check archived in the collection of Archival Television Audio  was solicited by and sent to The Library of Congress in 2009.                                   
1959-08-27, NBC, 14 min.
Frank McGee , Nikita Khrushchev , Dwight Eisenhower , Conrad Adenauer

Topics: President Eisenhower trip to Europe, Eisenhower visits Adenauer in Bonn comment on Khrushchev's proposed visit to the US in September, the future of Berlin, Eisenhower's trip to England.
NBC correspondent, Frank McGee hosts.                                       
1959-08-28, NBC, 5 min.
David Brinkley , Chet Huntley , Nikita Khrushchev , Dwight Eisenhower

Topics: India braces itself against Chinese communist incursions on India's borders, China communists furious at Khrushchev's visit to the US, and at UN, Eisenhower flies to Scotland.                                  
1959-09-03, NBC, 8 min.
Gabe Pressman , Robert Wagner

Topics: Comment by New York City Mayor Robert Wagner, a recap of latest juvenile delinquent murders in New York City, murders in the park on both the East and West sides.    

Gabe Pressman is the host.          
1959-09-14, WCBS, 8 min.
Nikita Khrushchev , Wayne Morris , Westbrook Van Voorhris

Khrushchev flying to the US, actor Wayne Morris dies.   
NOTE: Cornelius  Westbrook Van Voorhis  was a narrator for television programs. He is best remembered for his  work on  THE MARCH OF TIME  radio and newsreel series were he became known as the "VOICE OF DOOM."         
1959-09-14, , min.
Dwight Eisenhower , Nikita Khrushchev

Russian Premier Nikita Khrushchev flies to the USA. The visit will take place between September 14th-17th. He will visit Washington DC on September 16th to meet with President Eisenhower and fly to New York City on September 17th, before flying home.
1959-09-17, , 4 min.
Nikita Khrushchev , Quincy Howe , Dwight Eisenhower

Khrushchev calls Eisenhower "a great man", a man of vision, Eisenhower hopes Khrushchev is sincere, Khrushchev thinks war is sheer madness, Khrushchev in New York City, family tours city.

Quincy Howe reports.                        
1959-09-17, , 56 min.
Nikita Khrushchev

Russian Premier Nikita Khrushchev addresses the United Nations. 
#13372: NEWS, THE
1959-09-20, , 5 min.
Nikita Khrushchev , Norris Poulson

Highlights: Khrushchev threatens to go home after biting remarks by Mayor Poulson of Los Angeles at a dinner.           
1959-10-04, NBC, 7 min.
Nikita Khrushchev , Willy Ley

Russians launch a rocket to the moon considers it a "space station" will orbit the moon and return to earth, comment by Willy Ley Khrushchev winds up visit to Red China.                          
1959-10-06, CBS, 9 min.
Dwight Eisenhower , WD Snodgrass , Harold Stempol

Russian rocket heads for side of the moon possibly to take pictures, Eisenhower invokes the Taft-Hartley act on tugboat strikers, house sub-committee investigates the television quiz show scandals, Harold Stempol a "twenty-one" quiz contestant says the entire program was rehearsed (given questions, answers, and told of gestures in isolation booth) poet W.D. Snodgrass says he double-crossed producers, the street fight between Puerto Rican and Italian youths.             
1959-10-23, NBC, 15 min.
David Brinkley , Chet Huntley , Fidel Castro , Charles Van Doren , Hank Bloomgarden

Charles Van Doren admits to the New York District Attorney that he gave false answers to the committee, Hank Bloomgarden says "Twenty-one" quiz was a hoax, a big fire in Southern California, rocket experts transferred to civilian control, third anniversary of Hungarian revolt, Castro calls for rally to protest plane attacks from the United States.  Two commercials are included in this air check.                        
1959-10-23, WNTA, 5 min.
Mike Wallace , Fabian

March 9, 1959-March 18, 1960
A daily news broadcast anchored by  Mike Wallace, on WNTA-TV Channel 13,  New York City.

Mike Wallace, TV interviewer and author of the recent book "Mike Wallace Asks," is the commentator for a half hour news program televised Monday through Friday. Wallace comments on national and international news stories. He is assisted by guest columnists and reporters who probe the important news in their fields. 

It was challenging to know exactly when Mike Wallace would be on the air with this daily early evening newscast for during the one year run of the show these broadcasts would change seven times related to beginning and ending times.
-March 9, 1959....... 7:30-8:00pm
-May 4, 1959 6:30.......6:30pm-7:00pm
-Sept. 14, 1959..............7:30-8:00pm
-Oct. 26, 1959.....................7:30-7:55pm
-Dec. 21, 1959.........................7:25-7:55pm
-Dec. 28, 1959...............................7:30-7:55pm
Jan. 25, 1960.......................................7:00-7:25pm

News show starring Mike Wallace, broadcast on WNTA-TV New York City.

New York City to host the 1964 World's Fair, Fabian arrives in excerpt of his song. 
1959-11-02, WNTA, 9 min.
Ernest Hemingway , Danny Meehan , Mike Wallace , Charles Van Doren

March 9, 1959-March 18, 1960
A daily news broadcast anchored by  Mike Wallace, on WNTA-TV Channel 13,  New York City.

Mike Wallace, TV interviewer and author of the recent book "Mike Wallace Asks," is the commentator for a half hour news program televised Monday through Friday. Wallace comments on national and international news stories. He is assisted by guest columnists and reporters who probe the important news in their fields. 

It was challenging to know exactly when Mike Wallace would be on the air with this daily early evening newscast for during the one year run of the show these broadcasts would change seven times related to beginning and ending times.
-March 9, 1959....... 7:30-8:00pm
-May 4, 1959 6:30.......6:30pm-7:00pm
-Sept. 14, 1959..............7:30-8:00pm
-Oct. 26, 1959.....................7:30-7:55pm
-Dec. 21, 1959.........................7:25-7:55pm
-Dec. 28, 1959...............................7:30-7:55pm
Jan. 25, 1960.......................................7:00-7:25pm

Complete coverage of Charles Van Doren confession in a press conference says that his entire career on the quiz show "Twenty-One was rehearsed, Van Doren could be indicted for perjury, Ernest Hemingway arrives in New York City tells reporters about his travels and novels, Cuba (things are pretty good there).  

NOTE: This TV one on one interview with Ernest Hemingway was the only time he would appear for a television interview. Mike Wallace, from the studio, sets up the time and place as we switch to a filmed  1:06 interview by Danny Meehan with Hemingway who has just docked via his liner. Back in the studio, Wallace comments and wraps up the newscast. 

NOTE: This air check has been transacted to Ken Burns production company, Florentine Films, for inclusion in his documentary on the life of Ernest Hemingway.
1959-11-03, NBC, 5 min.
David Brinkley , Chet Huntley , Xavier Cugat , Charles Van Doren

Topics: NBC fires Charles Van Doren from $50,000 job on the network's "Today" show, TV producers say he helped to rig the "$64,000 question" and the "$64,000 Challenge under orders of sponsors and advertising agency, Xavier Cugat admits he was coached, Laos problems, communist infiltration.                                             
1959-11-03, WNTA, 5 min.
Mike Wallace , Xavier Cugat , Charles Van Doren

March 9, 1959-March 18, 1960
A daily news broadcast anchored by  Mike Wallace, on WNTA-TV Channel 13,  New York City.

Mike Wallace, TV interviewer and author of the recent book "Mike Wallace Asks," is the commentator for a half hour news program televised Monday through Friday. Wallace comments on national and international news stories. He is assisted by guest columnists and reporters who probe the important news in their fields. 

It was challenging to know exactly when Mike Wallace would be on the air with this daily early evening newscast for during the one year run of the show these broadcasts would change seven times related to beginning and ending times.
-March 9, 1959....... 7:30-8:00pm
-May 4, 1959 6:30.......6:30pm-7:00pm
-Sept. 14, 1959..............7:30-8:00pm
-Oct. 26, 1959.....................7:30-7:55pm
-Dec. 21, 1959.........................7:25-7:55pm
-Dec. 28, 1959...............................7:30-7:55pm
Jan. 25, 1960.......................................7:00-7:25pm

News show starring Mike Wallace, broadcast on WNTA-TV New York City.

Topic: The television quiz show scandal investigation. more on Charles Van Doren's comments firing by Columbia University comments about Xavier Cugat's involvement in the scandal.
1959-11-04, WNTA, 11 min.
Mike Wallace , Dave Garroway , Dwight Eisenhower , Carles Van Doren

March 9, 1959-March 18, 1960
A daily news broadcast anchored by  Mike Wallace, on WNTA-TV Channel 13,  New York City.

Mike Wallace, TV interviewer and author of the recent book "Mike Wallace Asks," is the commentator for a half hour news program televised Monday through Friday. Wallace comments on national and international news stories. He is assisted by guest columnists and reporters who probe the important news in their fields. 

It was challenging to know exactly when Mike Wallace would be on the air with this daily early evening newscast for during the one year run of the show these broadcasts would change seven times related to beginning and ending times.
-March 9, 1959....... 7:30-8:00pm
-May 4, 1959 6:30.......6:30pm-7:00pm
-Sept. 14, 1959..............7:30-8:00pm
-Oct. 26, 1959.....................7:30-7:55pm
-Dec. 21, 1959.........................7:25-7:55pm
-Dec. 28, 1959...............................7:30-7:55pm
Jan. 25, 1960.......................................7:00-7:25pm
A daily news broadcast anchored by  Mike Wallace, on WNTA-TV Channel 13,  New York City.

President Dwight D. Eisenhower speaks of his forthcoming trip to Europe and Near East, French have a bomb, comments on the quiz scandals; Dave Garroway breaks down after hearing comment by Charles Van Doren related to his involvement with the quiz scandal. 
1959-11-06, WNTA, 15 min.
Mike Wallace , Hal March , Frank Stanton

March 9, 1959-March 18, 1960
A daily news broadcast anchored by  Mike Wallace, on WNTA-TV Channel 13,  New York City.

Mike Wallace, TV interviewer and author of the recent book "Mike Wallace Asks," is the commentator for a half hour news program televised Monday through Friday. Wallace comments on national and international news stories. He is assisted by guest columnists and reporters who probe the important news in their fields. 

It was challenging to know exactly when Mike Wallace would be on the air with this daily early evening newscast for during the one year run of the show these broadcasts would change seven times related to beginning and ending times.
-March 9, 1959....... 7:30-8:00pm
-May 4, 1959 6:30.......6:30pm-7:00pm
-Sept. 14, 1959..............7:30-8:00pm
-Oct. 26, 1959.....................7:30-7:55pm
-Dec. 21, 1959.........................7:25-7:55pm
-Dec. 28, 1959...............................7:30-7:55pm
Jan. 25, 1960.......................................7:00-7:25pm

News show starring Mike Wallace, broadcast on WNTA-TV New York City.

More on TV quiz show scandals, Frank Stanton testifies says federal legislation is difficult, investigation on "payola" many disc jockeys to plug certain tunes, comment by Hal March who might sue to clear his name, a former contestant on "Twenty-One" quiz tells of rigging and will also sue NBC, public reaction to TV quiz show frauds and investigations. 
1959-12-27, NBC, 180 min.
Frank Gifford , Van Patrick , Kyle Rote , Charlie Conerly , John Unitas , Lenny Moore , Alan Ameche , Raymond Berry

Live radio coverage of the 1959 National Football League Championship Game between the Eastern division champions the New York Giants and the Baltimore Colts, the champions of the Western division. The Colts defeated the Giants 31-16 at Memorial Stadium in Baltimore for their second straight NFL title and their second straight title win over the Giants. Van Patrick calls the play-by-play.            
1959-12-27, WNTA, min.
Howard Cosell , Mike Wallace , Fidel Castro , John F. Kennedy , Richard M. Nixon , Jimmy Cannon , William Lawrence , Teddy Roosevelt

March 9, 1959-March 18, 1960
A daily news broadcast anchored by  Mike Wallace, on WNTA-TV Channel 13,  New York City.

Mike Wallace, TV interviewer and author of the recent book "Mike Wallace Asks," is the commentator for a half hour news program televised Monday through Friday. Wallace comments on national and international news stories. He is assisted by guest columnists and reporters who probe the important news in their fields. 

It was challenging to know exactly when Mike Wallace would be on the air with this daily early evening newscast for during the one year run of the show these broadcasts would change seven times related to beginning and ending times.
-March 9, 1959....... 7:30-8:00pm
-May 4, 1959 6:30.......6:30pm-7:00pm
-Sept. 14, 1959..............7:30-8:00pm
-Oct. 26, 1959.....................7:30-7:55pm
-Dec. 21, 1959.........................7:25-7:55pm
-Dec. 28, 1959...............................7:30-7:55pm
Jan. 25, 1960.......................................7:00-7:25pm

News show starring Mike Wallace, broadcast on WNTA-TV New York City.

Political predictions for the president, ( new president will be Nixon) Kennedy will run as Vice-President on Democratic ticket, predictions by Jimmy Cannon.
Nixon will be a great president just like Teddy Roosevelt, Castro regime will worsen with the USA, sports predictions by Howard Cosell, space prediction by William Lawrence, a man on moon within the next ten years, TV changes in 1960.
1959-12-27, WNTA, min.
Richard M. Nixon , John F. Kennedy , Mike Wallace , Fidel Castro

March 9, 1959-March 18, 1960
A daily news broadcast anchored by  Mike Wallace, on WNTA-TV Channel 13,  New York City.

Mike Wallace, TV interviewer and author of the recent book "Mike Wallace Asks," is the commentator for a half hour news program televised Monday through Friday. Wallace comments on national and international news stories. He is assisted by guest columnists and reporters who probe the important news in their fields. 

It was challenging to know exactly when Mike Wallace would be on the air with this daily early evening newscast for during the one year run of the show these broadcasts would change seven times related to beginning and ending times.
-March 9, 1959....... 7:30-8:00pm
-May 4, 1959 6:30.......6:30pm-7:00pm
-Sept. 14, 1959..............7:30-8:00pm
-Oct. 26, 1959.....................7:30-7:55pm
-Dec. 21, 1959.........................7:25-7:55pm
-Dec. 28, 1959...............................7:30-7:55pm
Jan. 25, 1960.......................................7:00-7:25pm

News show starring Mike Wallace, broadcast on WNTA-TV New York City.

The United States considers diplomatic breaking away from Cuba, John F. Kennedy and Richard M. Nixon win perspective New Hampshire Primaries, comment on Kennedy win, "...probably now will get the democratic nomination.
1960-05-10, WNTA, min.
Mike Wallace , Nikita Khrushchev , Hubert Humphrey , Adlai Stevenson , John F. Kennedy , Richard Nixon , Dwight Eisenhower , Lyndon Johnson , Gary Powers , Jim Sling

March 9, 1959-March 18, 1960
A daily news broadcast anchored by  Mike Wallace, on WNTA-TV Channel 13,  New York City.

Mike Wallace, TV interviewer and author of the recent book "Mike Wallace Asks," is the commentator for a half hour news program televised Monday through Friday. Wallace comments on national and international news stories. He is assisted by guest columnists and reporters who probe the important news in their fields. 

It was challenging to know exactly when Mike Wallace would be on the air with this daily early evening newscast for during the one year run of the show these broadcasts would change seven times related to beginning and ending times.
-March 9, 1959....... 7:30-8:00pm
-May 4, 1959 6:30.......6:30pm-7:00pm
-Sept. 14, 1959..............7:30-8:00pm
-Oct. 26, 1959.....................7:30-7:55pm
-Dec. 21, 1959.........................7:25-7:55pm
-Dec. 28, 1959...............................7:30-7:55pm
Jan. 25, 1960.......................................7:00-7:25pm

News show starring Mike Wallace, broadcast on WNTA-TV New York City.
Substituting for Wallace is Jim Sling (?)

Topics: U-2 story continued, Khrushchev warns the US and others spy base countries will take retaliatory action, Russians say U-2 pilot (Gary Powers) would be tried for espionage, Eisenhower says the incident will have no effect on the summit, he will go to Russia, U-2 flight allegedly known by Eisenhower, West Virginia Democratic primary between Hubert Humphrey and John F. Kennedy for presidential nomination, commentator belittles their value, claims Johnson and Stevenson will be nominated, atomic sub-Triton completes an underwater trip around the world (84 days), ideas on moon base construction ten years hence, newsreel, Kennedy ahead in West Virginia primary, Nixon leads over Kennedy in Nebraska primary.                                                                                                                                
#13432: NEWS, THE
1960-05-29, , min.
Adolf Eichmann

Highlights: Us Admiral warns of potential danger at sea, Adolf Eichmann is captured in Argentina.                                                   
#13436: NEWS, THE
1960-06-02, , min.
John F. Kennedy

Highlights: Strike to close NYC theaters in dispute between actors equity and the producers, US to stop U-2 flights over any communist territory, NYC donates Typhoidand smallpox vaccine to victims of last week's earthquake in Chile, Senator John Kennedy warning of new Democratic challenges.              
#13437: NEWS, THE
1960-06-02, , min.
John F. Kennedy , Lyndon Johnson , Sam Rayburn , Gerhard Williams , Thomas Gates

All Beverley Hills theaters are closed due to actors equity strike, Secretary Thomas Gates closes out the U-2 investigations, Sam Rayburn puts Senator Lyndon Johnson into the race for the Democratic nomination for president, Governor Williams of Michigan will support Senator Kennedy, teenage burglary gang is caught.                         
#13439: NEWS, THE
1960-06-11, , min.
Fidel Castro , Adlai Stevenson , Richard Nixon , Dwight Eisenhower , James Hagerty , Nobusuke Kishi

New demonstrations by Japanese extreme anti- US leftists,
urge Eisenhower to stay home and not come to Japan, James Hagerty mobbed in Tokyo airport by jeering left-wing groups, car attacked with stones and clubs, PM Kishi says Eisenhower will still visit Japan, Stevenson might be a draft candidate for president, Nixon calls for GOP unity and predicts November victory, Castro seizes nightclubs, Castro to seize American oil refineries in Cuba,             
#13440: NEWS, THE
1960-06-13, , min.
Nelson Rockefeller , Adlai Stevenson , Richard Nixon , Dwight Eisenhower

Russians in Japan for anti-Eisenhower riots, against proposed us-Japanese security pact, Eisenhower in Alaska on his way to the Philippines, Governor Rockefeller will support Nixon if he wins the nomination, Stevenson will not seek the Democratic presidential nomination,              
1960-06-16, CBS, min.
Lowell Thomas , Dwight Eisenhower , Nobusuke Kishi

Lowell Thomas was a radio commentator and newscaster who hosted the first television news broadcast in 1939. 

Premier Kishi Premier Kishi calls off Eisenhower trip to Japan because of anti-US riots in Tokyo, leftists celebrate in triumph, US is humiliated, Red Chinese fight Tibetan guerillas, two American diplomats expelled from Cuba, a rift in NY Democratic leadership, US population now 179 million as California and Florida show gains.                                                  
#13447: NEWS, THE
1960-06-16, , min.
News Commentator

An eyewitness account of the leftist student rioting in Tokyo.            
1960-07-04, WOR, min.
John F. Kennedy

Democratic quarrel on basis of sectionalism, maturity, and religion. accusations of slanting the convention, John F. Kennedy defends self on readiness for the White House.                                       
#13443: NEWS, THE
1960-07-07, , min.
Harry S. Truman , Frank Sinatra , Dean Martin , Yul Brynner , John F. Kennedy , Lyndon Johnson , Sam Rayburn , Hulan Jack , John Connelly

Pre-convention news. Sam Rayburn comments on John Kennedy's chances of winning Texas, John Connelly comments on Lyndon Johnson's chances, certain Hollywood stars including Frank Sinatra and Dean Martin support Kennedy while Yul Brynner doesn't believe celebrities should involve themselves in politics. Hulan Jack jury is still out, Mexican leader believes Mexico should side with Cuba, US franchise in Cuba is moved out, rioting in Italy is led by the communists, Democratic convention begins in Los Angeles, Truman might change his mind and go to the convention, Johnson predicts a victory for himself, other convention news.                                                    
1960-07-09, , min.
Bob Wilson , Dwight Eisenhower , Gary Powers , Hulan Jack

Eisenhower warns Russia to stay out of Cuba, responds to Russian threats of rockets against the US, demonstrations in Cuba by Mexicans, convention fever in LA, Hulan Jack will continue self-imposed suspension as a result of a deadlocked jury, boy survives plunge into Niagara Falls, terror in the Congo murder, pillaging, atrocities by blacks against Belgians, New York City welcomes Leonardo Da Vinci ship, Russians say Gary Powers will be tried by a military court.                                       
#13452: NEWS, THE
1960-07-12, , min.
Adlai Stevenson , John F. Kennedy , Dwight Eisenhower , Lyndon Johnson

Highlights: Civil rights news, Stevenson receives great ovation, Kennedy and Johnson stage debate, the two praise each other, Eisenhower denounces Russia for shooting down RB-47.                          
#13457A: NEWS, THE
1960-07-22, , min.
Nelson Rockefeller , Henry Cabot Lodge , Richard Nixon

Nixon wants Governor Rockefeller to be his running mate but Rocky says the Republican platform is not to his taste, Atlas missile blows up, leftists in Venezuela burn US flag, Lodge says RB missile is not over Russian territory.                        
#13459: NEWS, THE
1960-07-24, , min.
Nelson Rockefeller , Henry Cabot Lodge , Patrice Lumumba

The Republican convention opens tomorrow, Governor Rockefeller not satisfied with the Republican platform, will not accept the Vice Presidential offering, Ambassador Lodge thought of as a possible vice presidential candidate, Congo premier Patrice Lumumba arrives in New York for a UN meeting, Red Chinese delegation attacks the US in Cuba.                          
#13461: NEWS, THE
1960-07-28, , min.
John F. Kennedy , Henry Cabot Lodge , Richard Nixon , Dag Hammerskjold

Highlights: Moscow assails Nixon as a "Wall Street Tool" and warmonger, US tourists harassed in Russia, Nixon prefers Ambassador Lodge as the vice president, an interview with Lodge, John Kennedy news conference, Dag Hammarskjold welcomed in the Congo. Continuation of the Republican National Convention, balloting for a vice presidential candidate, Lodge wins.              
1960-08-11, NBC, min.
Merrill Mueller , Dag Hammarskjold , Nkita Khrushchev , Michael White

Highlights: Khrushchev to visit Red leader in North Korea, a belief Khrushchev might come to the US to possibly interfere with US elections, Russia opens ideological war between Russia and China by an article in Pravda, China Reds indirectly blast Khrushchev peaceful coexistence policy, Major Michael White flies X-15 24 miles up, Discover 13-inch capsule recovered from orbit forerunner of Mercury flights, Polaris successfully launched, Dag Hammarskjold in Katanzanegotiates for withdrawal of Belgian troops from the region.                                      
#13465: NEWS, THE
1960-08-19, , min.
Francis Gary Powers

Highlights: Telephone information on viewing the Echo 1 satellite plane catches returning space capsule out from orbit, Russia orbits live cargo in capsule, expect to recover them alive, Francis Gary Powers convicted and sentenced to ten years confinement, Powers acknowledges guilt and seeks clemency saying he's sorry.                                                     
1960-08-20, , min.
Harry S. Truman , John F. Kennedy , Kenneth Banghart , Patrice Lumumba

Highlights: Russia brings five-ton satellite-carrying live animals safely back to earth, Russia backs Lumumba in Congo, charges the US with aggression, pre-campaign topics, Truman and Kennedy makeup, Kennedy comments on polls expecting him to win the election. 

Kenneth Banghart reporting.                         
1960-09-05, , min.
John F. Kennedy , Henry Cabot Lodge , Richard Nixon , Earl Long , Patrice Lumumba , John Wingate

John Wingate was a reporter and newscaster for WOR television and radio in New York City for over thirty years. He left the station in 1977.  

Highlights: Rabblerouser Patrice Lumumba ousted from Congo premiership, Governor Earl Long dies in Louisiana, candidates Kennedy, Nixon, and Lodge campaign.                                        
#13472: NEWS,THE
1960-09-11, , min.

Hurricane Donna warning reports; headed towards the Northeast. 

Included is a commercial for Playtex Girdles.                         
1960-09-19, , min.
Nikita Khrushchev , Fidel Castro , Janos Kadar

Khrushchev arrives in New York City to an unfriendly reception, other communist leaders including Fidel Castro are restricted to Manhattan, Communist leader Janos Kadar and USSR's Nikita Khrushchev make  short dockside speeches, heavy police escort guides Khrushchev motorcade to the Russian embassy,                          
#13477: NEWS, THE
1960-09-19, , min.
Fidel Castro , Richard Nixon

Castro storms out of his hotel claiming he's being overcharged, too much security, Nixon campaigns.            
1960-09-19, , min.
Fidel Castro

Castro will not sleep in Central Park. He will go to his hotel suite instead.                         
#13480: NEWS, THE
1960-09-19, , min.
Robert Wagner , Fidel Castro , Dwight Eisenhower , Stephen Kennedy

More on Castro hotel problems, Hungarian refugees riot against Khrushchev, Eisenhower says troublemakers coming to the US, Russians protest wording on anti-Castro signs, political chaos in the Congo, Mayor Wagner summons NYC police commissioner Stephen Kennedy about anti-Jewish remarks, Laos reports under rebel attack by the communists.            
1960-09-19, WMGM, min.
Nikita Khrushchev , Fidel Castro , Patrice Lumumba

More news on the Castro hotel incident, Cubans claim the New York police is rude to them, Khrushchev booed and heckled by spectators, the downfall of the Lumumba government in Congo.            
1960-09-20, WOR, min.
Nikita Khrushchev , Fidel Castro , Josip Tito , Stephen Kennedy

Highlights: Castro now settled in Theresa, US calls it a propaganda stunt, Cubans claim suffering negroes in Harlem open their doors to Castro, commissioner Kennedy will not allow Jewish officers off during the holiday, Marshall Tito arrives in New York for UN session.                          
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(April 28, 2012)


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"Raising Ali"
(May 22, 2015)

Hear Phil Gries
on Sports Talk:
August 25, 2019
June 26, 2016
August 9, 2015

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Vin Scully

"Vin Scully on Jackie Robinson" In Conversation with Phil Gries (Oct. 19, 2021) - 7 minutes
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Jonathan Winters

53 minute Phone Conversation with Jonathan Winters, September 4, 2008
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ARSC Journal Article Publication: Lost TV Programs (1946-1972)

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TV History

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Jose Feliciano, at 70, listening to his FIRST TV variety show appearance (Al Hirt: FANFARE), telecast on July 17, 1965, when he was 19 years old.

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When TV Variety
Was King

This Anniversary Day
In Television History

ARSC/IASA London Conference: Why Collect?

News 12 Long Island
Live Television Profile:
Archival Television Audio, Inc


NBC TV - Feb. 5, 1957
8:23 min. excerpt

Phil Gries TV Audio Archive
Profile Segment

Harry Belafonte Hosts
The Tonight Show
5:21 min. excerpt

Password: Phil
(Case Sensitive)

Joan Walsh, producer of the documentary "Harry Belafonte Hosts The Tonight Show", discusses Phil Gries' TV Audio contribution to the film. (3:51 min.)